Space for grief & gratitude

Communion of Saints by Elise Ritter.

“We drink from wells that we did not dig. We sit under the shade of trees we did not plant. We stand on the shoulders of and are shaped by those who went before us, even those we cannot see.”

- Stephen Lewis

When I read these words, I was immediately reminded of how seldom we take the time to remember, to reconnect and to honor those whose love and lives are part of ours. All Saints Day was created with such a purpose in mind. It has been celebrated by many in the Church since the 600s AD as a day to remember those who have died and to give thanks for the saints who have inspired us throughout the ages.

In the spirit of All Saints’ Day & in a year when many have endured much loss, we are taking some time during our gathering this Sunday, November 7th to remember not only family and friends who have died in the past year, but the people who have deeply impacted our faith and lives. These may be people we know personally or some whose words & lives have inspired us from afar.

Who are the “saints” we want to honor this Sunday?

Who are the loved ones we have lost that we remember with grief & gratitude?

If you would like to bring pictures of loved ones or saints to sit on our altar table this Sunday, please do. There will also be cards to write their names if you are unable to or prefer not to bring a picture.


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