Resilient: Ruth & Naomi’s story of survival & ours, too (starting this Sunday)

“Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much a heart can hold.” 

- Zelda Fitzgerald

Nobody has measured, but it seems like we have been testing the limits, doesn’t it? How much can our hearts, our souls, our bodies withstand? How much pain, grief, change, anxiety or uncertainty?

We don’t know when the next wave of the pandemic will surge. We don’t know when the flood or fire or hurricane will strike. We can’t predict when a change of heart or mind or a loss impacting our community will happen. We can’t know when the rug will be pulled out; all we know is that it will be.  All we know is that we will find ourselves turning around & asking what in the hell just happened & where do we go from here?

Change is part of being human; and thankfully, so is resilience.

In the past, when I’ve heard the word “resilient”, it’s felt like another in a long line of things I should aspire to be or become. Becoming resilient has felt like work, but the more I’ve been learning, the more I am starting to see reslilience in a new way. Resilience is not something we aspire to be, it’s woven into the fabric of our existence. It’s part of who we are & how we’re made. We can fan its flames for sure, but its more participation than fabrication. Resilience is more grace than grit.

Over the next couple of months, our Sunday gatherings will center on what resilience looks like in scripture (especially in the book of Ruth) and in our stories of survival, too. We’ll wonder together about how we live in the face of so much change, challenge and heartache and what part we have to play in this still-unfolding-story of resilience.

We’d love for you to join us on the back patio of Hyperion Brewing Co. starting this Sunday. We start arriving at 10 a.m. for coffee & conversation and begin our time of story, scripture, prayer & reflection at 10:30 a.m.


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