Navigating life’s emotional roller coaster

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Is it just me or has life’s emotional roller coaster felt a little more intense lately?

One minute we are celebrating the arrival of a vaccine to help heal us of this pandemic - the next we are back in another upheaval. One minute we are filled with anticipation - the next we are full of fear that nothing will ever be the same again.

We are all over the place emotionally and this feels like a really good time to take note of our relationship to the range of emotions that fill our lives and to wonder if there is a better way to navigate them.

The Psalms are filled with expressions of the range of humans emotions and during our August Sunday gatherings at Hyperion, we’ll explore a few of them alongside our own stories of anger, sadness and joy. We’re back to masking up as a community while indoors (except for eating and drinking) and for those who need it, we’ll have a Zoom option available.

Looking forward to sharing sacred space with you…



Resilient: Ruth & Naomi’s story of survival & ours, too (starting this Sunday)


The holy ground here: an invitation to join the conversation