Easter Sunday at The Well
Our journey through Lent is almost complete, and was marked by our community's Maundy Thursday dinner gathering last night. We prayed, heard the stinging words of scripture proclaimed, and sang prayers of hope as the last candle was extinguished. We may not have exited the space in silence, but there was a sense of bitterness mixed with anticipation after remembering the events of Christ's suffering and death. We know that Sunday's coming, but not without our journey into darkness. We cannot know the joy of Easter without confronting the realities of betrayal, abandonment, and misunderstanding.Whether you have made this an intentional season of reflection or not, we would love for you to join us in celebrating the miracle of the resurrection. This Sunday, we will gather at City Kidz for breakfast at 10 a.m. and worship at 10:30. Help us share and experience the story of resurrection that still stirs, shapes and challenges us today. Come with your questions, doubts, fears, joys and longings...come as you are.