Overalls Farm Workday w/ Sanctuary & Neighbors 9am-noon, Thurs Jun 20th @ Farm Three (125 E 7th Street):
In the spirit of growing community with the neighbors around Overalls Farm Three, we will be joining hands with a delegation of young people from Sanctuary on 8th and Farm Three’s other immediate neighbors to join us for a work day. Our projects will include spreading mulch, tilling and planting more flowers, and trash pickup. We’ll begin the day with a conversation atop the mulch about the latest design ideas to share big picture context and gather feedback. Then we’ll jump into the work, resting and hydrating as needed given the heat.
Bring your hat, water, electrolytes, and if you have them: a wheel barrow and pitchfork. Yes, Thursday is a working day, so we know that counts out many working people: it is, however, the time that works for Sanctuary’s summer camp, so we’re rolling with it.
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