For now, Sunday gatherings are happening on the back patio at Hyperion Brewing Company (1740 N Main St). We begin coming together for coffee, a bring-something-to-share-if-you-can-brunch & conversation at 10 a.m. & start our time of story, scripture, conversation & words for the journey at 10:30 am. As part of our October 17th Sunday gathering, our Dreaming Together for The Well Team will be sharing an update on our dream of creating a community gathering space here. We hope you can join us to learn more and to hear how you can participate in bringing this dream to life! If you are unable (or it is unwise because you are sick) to attend in person, Zoom participation is available starting at 10:30 a.m. **Here** are the full instructions for accessing the gathering via Zoom & here is a direct link to log in (password = 721752).
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