Sunday Gatherings

Sunday gatherings are an important part of our life together.

Our Sunday gatherings can look a little different from week to week. They tend to be interactive and involve the diverse voices that make up our community. Most of the time, we listen to scripture, share stories and make space for prayer, reflection, and conversation. We currently gather most Sundays at 10 a.m. for coffee + community followed by a time of scripture, story, prayer and reflection at 10:30 a.m. Check out upcoming events to keep up with when and where we are meeting in the coming weeks.

Most 4th Sundays, we gather outdoors for Church in the Wild to connect with God and one another by communing in nature. Make sure to subscribe to weekly updates before you plan to join us. Last minute changes happen and this is how we communicate them.

On 5th Sundays, we practice a Sabbath Sunday where we do not meet together but instead encourage personal rest and reflection.