As you know, we have been moving through this year with a focus on reimagining faith, life together & a better way of being human here. We would love to hear from you about how you have experienced this past year of our life together! 

Looking back over the last year, what are you especially grateful for? (Below the form you will find some of the activities and conversations from this year)

As a reminder, here are some of our ReImagining activities & conversations from this year:

  • Creating vision boards together
  • An Evening with Brian McLaren: Do I Stay Christian? (and book discussion)
  • Jesus: The Alternative Plan - 4 week Richard Rohr Book Discussion
  • Sunday community stories centered around reimagining 
  • Lent: a wilderness journey to reimagine our life with money (stories, scripture, practices)
  • ReImagining Economics: a weekend of learning & conversation with Ryan Bonfiglio 
  • BlackOut Hymns
  • Clearness Circles
  • Vision team conversation: intentional vs. unlimited growth
  • ReImagimg Community series and conversation with Yolanda Copeland 
  • Sunday gathering exploratory grants: Intuitive painting & kayaking
  • Rest & rekindle gatherings
  • Field Trip to Mission of the Dirt Road