Wake Up and Live
Do you ever feel like you are only half awake? Like you are missing out on something really important? That feeling may be telling us something.Often, we live unaware of what is happening all around us. Yet, we were created to be interconnected with God and one another. Our isolation, apathy and sometimes total rejection of this connectedness has caused much harm.Prophets were and are those who call us to wake up, who invite us to remember who we are and challenge us to respond in some way. In the coming weeks, we will be exploring these ancient texts (Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah) that still speak an important word today. As we re-hear these prophetic voices , we will be challenged to wake up and respond to our neighbors, to those in power, to our resources and to the One who created them all.Worship gatherings happen on Sunday mornings at the City Kidz Event Center. We'll be there for breakfast and fellowship at 10 a.m. and worship begins at 10:30 a.m. Hope you can join us!