this sabbath sunday

"Our drive and obsession to always be in a state of ‘productivity’ leads us to the path of exhaustion, guilt, and shame…

The distinction that must be repeated as many times as necessary is this:

We are not resting to be productive. We are resting simply because it is our divine right to do so.”

― Tricia Hersey, Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto

We may not rest to be more productive, but I do find that rest makes me more alert, aware & more in tune with myself, with Spirit & with what’s Important. As someone who can get caught up in responding to the urgent, I need the recalibrating that rest can bring.

Since The Well started, rest has been an important part of our rhythm of life. Each 5th Sunday, instead of hosting a gathering, we invite everyone to receive the gift of rest. Rest no doubt looks different for each of us. As you set aside work, it may look like taking a stroll alone or enjoying leisure time with loved ones or listening to music or reading in the park. It may look like a morning at the beach or a really long nap. As this sabbath sunday falls on the last day of the year, it might also look like making a little space to reflect on where you’ve been this year. Here are some questions you may find helpful -

How has the past year shaped you?

What happened that is worth celebrating?

What, if anything, are you excited to leave behind?

When have you felt most connected to yourself, to God and to others? Is there something you want to lean more into or nurture in the coming year? (a relationship? a habit or spiritual practice? a hobby? something else?)

Whatever you do or don’t do this weekend, we wish you a beautiful beginning to this new year and we look forward to reconnecting with you soon.

peace + love -



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The risk of showing up