Sundays at Strings

Throughout our life together, we have been guests in some incredible community spaces.

Not owning a building has caused us to not only get creative, but to rely on the hospitality of others in our community (which means we’ve gotten to cross paths with some really wonderful people!). We’ve rented lots, gathered in an elementary schoolyard, a museum,a brewery & in an event center as well as in another church’s sanctuary. Moving around has meant changing things up, which can keep us from getting too comfortable. We are so grateful for each business, nonprofit and neighbor who has welcomed us.

A few Sundays ago, we started hosting in-person Sunday gatherings at Strings Sports Brewery (1850 N. Main St.) at 10 a.m. We’re wearing masks and providing social-distanced seating. We’re asking those who are experiencing any cold or COVID-like symptoms to please stay home. Strings has a beautiful covered patio space out back, and since they don’t open till 11 a.m., they are allowing us to use it weekly. We try to stick around afterward to enjoy lunch as a way of saying thank you & to keep enjoying time together.

We’d love for you to join us as we explore scripture, share stories & communion and as we make space to recenter ourselves on the life-giving, love-centered way of Jesus. For those who are sick, unable or not feeling ready to gather in person, we are live-streaming our gathering via Zoom. As always, we are a work in progress and value participation way more than perfection.

To join us virtually:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 782 032 257
Passcode: 721752


The finale of the family drama


Join us in person this Sunday