Sunday gatherings this summer

As we begin to inch forward from the past year and a half of pandemic living, we know by now we are not returning to normal. Something new is on the horizon - in fact, something new has been on the horizon. And in the midst of all that is changing, shifting & awakening in and around us, in the words of Sonya Renee Taylor, “We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment, one that fits all of humanity and nature.”

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Jesus was all about sewing a new garment. He once said it this way to his followers: “you don’t put your wine in cracked bottles” (aka you don’t put new wine in old wineskins). You need new bottles.

We know it’s time to create new containers for our faith, but we’ve struggled with what that looks like in our day-to-day lives. What are the essential practices and postures that will lead us down this path? What does a meaningful spirituality look like? And where do we begin?

This summer, during our Sunday gatherings, we’ll be “re-setting the table” together. We’ll explore some overarching themes in scripture that invite us into a deeper, more authentic & integrated spirituality.

Tomorrow is our first summer Sunday gathering at Hyperion Brewing Co. & we are so grateful for their willingness to share space with us! We start coming together at 10 am for coffee & a bring-something-to-share brunch & begin our time of story-sharing, community prayers, conversation & words for the journey at 10:30 a.m. We would love for you to join us!


The holy ground here: an invitation to join the conversation


A sabbath sunday invitation