ReImagining with the mystical magi
This past Sunday, we gathered to resume our year-long theme of “ReImagining” which started during Advent. From now through Easter, we’re letting the gospel of Matthew be the lens through which see & hear & imagine a better way of being human.
Portrait of the Three Wise Men by Kevin Richard.
Right off the bat, Matthew's storytelling awakens us to an alternative to business as usual. He starts with the surprising genealogy of Jesus. When we dig into Jesus’ lineage, we see a family tree filled with “outsiders” and off-the-beaten-pathers, not exactly befitting for royalty. Matthew then reveals how Jesus was born to an ordinary, unexpecting, unmarried couple, causing quite a disruption to their well-laid-out plans.
Then, we come to the magi. This small community of astrologers traveled from afar to acknowledge the birth of a newborn king signaled by a specific star. They are not only moved toward reverence, humility and generosity when they arrive; but, they refuse to return by way of the ruthless, power-hungry King Herod. Instead, their encounter causes them to choose another way.
Their identities remain a mystery, but their presence offers not only a beautiful image of faith, but an invitation to us at the start of a new season of our life together.
What path will we choose? One ruled by fear or one fueled by freedom?
I’ve been thinking a lot about the magi this week. Their study of the stars seems to have made them into mystics. By learning to pay attention, they were being led in new directions. I see in them a freedom that is sometimes hard to come by. They do not seem interested in pleasing the powers that be or climbing a career ladder but are rather content to stay on the margins. They were free to do their part and move along. They were there to point to the stars, not to become the stars of the story.
I have often overlooked their presence, but here they are at the start of a new year reminding me - reminding us - that another way is possible.
I look forward to seeing what new way(s) of seeing, being and living we will discover as we walk through this year together.