An invitation into Lent


In countless ways, we have been conditioned to avoid what makes us uncomfortable. That may be in large part why we’ve had such a difficult time collectively doing what’s necessary to get this pandemic under control. We resist discomfort - we don’t like it - and we are told, If you don’t like it, then don’t do it.

Yet, anyone who’s undergone any serious transformation will tell you that clinging to comfort did not get them there. More often than not, real growth comes through discomfort.

“May God bless you with discomfort,” the Franciscan prayer asks, echoing the words of Jesus who also announced blessing on the lowly, the left out and those living on the margins of society. He not only called them blessed but in the gospel of Luke, he showed preference towards them.

For those on the bottom, Luke brought a message of hope; but for those at the center & on top, Luke portrayed a Jesus who asked them to leave safety & comfort & follow him down, down, down.

In Down We Go, pastor, writer & advocate Kathy Escobar confesses, “Descent goes against my basic nature of wanting a controlled, predictable, upwardly mobile kind of life, not only for me but for my family…[however] now, I’m learning that downward mobility is what draws me nearer to God.”

This week, we begin moving through Lent together.

It’s a season designed to make us uncomfortable. Designed to imitate the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, Lent includes the 40 days (minus Sundays) between Ash Wednesday and Easter. It is the season that we are invited to enter into instead of avoiding discomfort as we move through the stories, sufferings & confrontations that lined the way to Jesus’ death & resurrection.

Some people choose to take on a new practice or fast from something that has become addictive or harmful during this season. The idea is to wake us up, to open our eyes, to lead us deeper down the path toward Life. There are some great ideas here and we will also be invited into a weekly practice during our Sunday gatherings.

We are moving through Lent in a few ways together:

Ash Wednesday (2/17): Join us via Zoom at 7 p.m. for a 30-minute time of reflection & an invitation into Lent.

Lent Scripture Discussion Group: Monday evenings at 7 p.m. during Lent, we’ll begin exploring our text from Luke for the upcoming Sunday.

Sunday Gatherings: We start logging on to Zoom at 10 a.m. for casual conversation, then begin our time of story, song, scripture & communion at 10:30 a.m.

February 21: Luke 10:25-42

February 28: Luke 13:10-17

March 7: Luke 15:1-32

March 14: Luke 16:19-31

March 21: Luke 19:1-10

March 28 (Palm Sunday): Luke 19:29-44

We’d love for you to join us as we lean into discomfort together & trust that there is something essential there that will lead us toward new life.


Instructions for living a life


Sabbath Sunday 1.31.21