An invitation into Advent

While there are some traditions The Well has set aside, the church calendar is not one of them.

In the last 9+ years of our life together, we have found so much meaning & significance in moving through the seasons of the church year. It not only helps us journey through the entire story of Scripture, but it helps us mark time in a different way.

This is especially true of Advent, and especially true this Advent.

It’s no coincidence that Advent falls in the midst of our longest nights. And this year, it also comes in the midst of one the longest years of our lives (or at least it feels that way!). Advent arrives in the darkness of a global pandemic that is still reeking havoc, and amid personal losses, national divisions, racial injustice & a global longing for healing to happen here.

And Advent tells us to start making room, getting ready and preparing the way because just when we thought all was lost, God is coming to make a home here - in us & with us.

If ever we needed Advent, we need it now. If ever we needed to be reminded of how God comes to us and of how Light breaks into the darkness, we need that reminder now.

In the four weeks leading up to to Christmas, we are invited to be present - to set aside time to gather, to listen, to look around & to wonder together how this ancient story of hope, peace, love & joy is still unfolding today. On Sundays, we light candles, share stories & sing music that helps us prepare the Way. On Mondays, I’ll be hosting an online Advent group to begin exploring the text together for the next Sunday’s gathering (7 p.m. via Zoom).

Check out the calendar of events for all the ways we are moving through this season together. Please stay tuned as we are constantly revisiting our gathering plan in light of COVID.

Looking forward to what this new year will bring into our lives & into this wonderful, but very weary world…

peace + love,



A meditation for the 1st Sunday in Advent


Our racial justice journey